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Religious Meditation



Course Summary


This unit examines the nature of the biblical text, and how our understanding of its character will shape the way we read it. Students explore key principles for reading the Bible responsibly and intelligently to discern how the text might intersect with their story and formation in their chosen vocation. Employing a drama metaphor, students engage with the Bible in six acts (Creation, Rebellion, Israel, Jesus, Church, and Consummation) and reflect on the explicit invitation within the biblical narrative to be transformed through personal participation in this divine drama.


Learning Outcomes


At the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Discuss the nature of the Bible in the light of the Christian tradition and contemporary scholarship

  2. Propose key principles for biblical interpretation, which enable the text to be applied in a critical, contextual and responsible fashion

  3. Identify key characters, developments, themes and genres within the biblical narrative

  4. Evaluate and communicate the intersection of the Biblical narrative with their own life and formation for their chosen vocation

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This course is currently being updated by our Vineyard team. It will be developed along the lines of Tabor's subject of the same name, but with a delightful Vineyard flavour and perspective.

   To see the Tabor equivalent go to:

The Biblical Story for Everyone


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